Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Truth is....
We're too damn arrogant and prude to admit we wanna fuck and not "make love".we're too damn hypocritical to admit we love what we're suppose to hate.
We love feeling small and unimportant because it makes us feel different. We love to feel left out because we need someone to pull us back in. we love to feel wanted or craved for, because we need an excuse to reject others without guilt .we love to argue and be upfront, because we're sure that the others we'll be to scared to challenge us back. we love to act out because our lives are so boring and unimportant . we love to be outrageous because just being ourselves is not interesting enough.we looooooooove to get dirty and frivolous because we're feeling dead inside. we love to think we can find something where there's nothing there to find, just because we need to grab on to something in this little life we're living.we love to lie and hide things because it makes us feel we care.we love to pretend our life is wonderful and fairy-tale like although we are tumbling inside and out, just to keep our families happy. we love to think we're good just so that we don't show our real' nature. we love to think we have friends, just so that we don't get completely lost. we love to think that soul mates exist, so that we have a purpose in life.we love to think that life is what you make of it, just because we're scared to recognize the implacable faith. we love to think we have a God who cares for us, just because we are to weak to take responsibility for our own actions and finally, but never endless, we love to believe in love and being loved just so that we can feel something...anything.
On the other side, we hate people who are direct and straightforward, because they're an offense to the social principles we "own". we hate the people who feel small, because they are so easy to crush that it's almost irresistible to do it(and that makes us feel bad). we hate the rebels, because they're always showing us what we're missing out on (although we had a chance to be them), we hate the ones who love and crave us because we just can't deal with their ridiculous commitment. we hate those who argue with us because they make us feel challenged and small. we hate the ones acting out because we forgot how good it felt doing it (before we were forced to get down on our knees into the "real life").we hate the outrageous ones because various things stop us for ever allowing ourselves to be like them or to be so free ). we hate the frivolous and the dirty because they get to do all the things we want, fantasize and dream of, but that are no longer seen as "acceptable" for our status. we hate the perpetual need to find something, just because we can't live without it and it's driving us nuts. we hate the ones that lie, just because it proves we were believing in dreams and nothingness. we hate the ones that are happy, because we can never see ourselves in that place. we hate the evil ones because at least they have a clear vision of their nature. we hate friends, because they are rearely friends- there's always a miscellaneous little reason behind their affection. we hate soul mates because they either die on you, or disappear or they just get lost in all the wrong places. we hate faith because well, it ...just fucks everything up (but still..., isn't easier to believe in, than in the Bible? :) )we hate God, because he never comes DOWN to our expectations and because ...well, He's never there for us? :) (we ask, therefore we should receive...isn't that what the Bible says? ).And finally, we hate to love...because, ...guess what? that actually makes us feel alive. And that's the scariest thing of all :).
PS: "WE" in this blog is only related to those who feel somewhat close to those principles.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Epiphany :)
AMICUL PRIETENOS: trebuia putina toxica
AMICUL PRIETENOS: scz...toxina
toxyka: mda
toxyka): hey
AMICUL PRIETENOS: atatia ani de "evolutie" si comunicarea s-a redus la "mda...hey"
toxyka: sorry
toxyka: sunt cam pleostita
toxyka: de la ploaie cred
AMICUL PRIETENOS: ploaie in luna lui..iunie
toxyka: da
toxyka: borig
toxyka: depressing
AMICUL PRIETENOS: ce mai invarti..vuvuzeauo?
AMICUL PRIETENOS: TOXYKO...nu ca nu te as imparti, dar poate deranjez
toxyka: nu
toxyka: im all by myself
AMICUL PRIETENOS: u wanna be...
AMICUL PRIETENOS: aaaaaalllll byyy yourselffffffff
toxyka): not really
toxyka: no
AMICUL PRIETENOS: TOXYKO...cum dracu am norocu asta ca atunci cand n am io puls in mine sa n ai nici tu?
toxyka: dunno
toxyka: creca e de la veme
AMICUL PRIETENOS: a se citi...de anpulea afcors
toxyka: got it
toxyka: agree
AMICUL PRIETENOS: zice lumea ca te ai ingrasat
AMICUL PRIETENOS: mincinosii dracului
AMICUL PRIETENOS: ptiu, tu le mama lor
AMICUL PRIETENOS: te las ca ne plcitisim reciproc..parca am fi hazband si uaif
AMICUL PRIETENOS: ne auzim in vremuri mai cu soare
toxyka: no
toxyka: i did
toxyka: ma bucur calumea si-a gasit sub de conversatie
toxyka: vorba aia
toxyka: ce nebunii in lume
toxyka: stirea zilei s-a ingrasat toxyka
toxyka: poate si de-a dreaq
AMICUL PRIETENOS: desi simt o anume "apasare" cand vb cu tine
AMICUL PRIETENOS: esti o clasica
toxyka: clar
toxyka: oricum toate grasele si uratele se marita
toxyka: pana acum, beeing hot and sexy just got me laid
toxyka: not happy
toxyka: asa ca...
AMICUL PRIETENOS: u ungrateful bitch
toxyka: de ce sa nu ncerc vaianta aia
toxyka: serios
toxyka: acu vorba aia
toxyka: daca gasesc pe unul care sa ma iubeasca/doreasca asa mai...gogoasa...macar stiu o treaba
toxyka: dup-aia pot sa il surprind cu adevarata mea... aparenta
AMICUL PRIETENOS: ai dreptate...o avea omul standarde fooooooarte joase
AMICUL PRIETENOS: sunt oameni de astia multi
toxyka: nu ti se pare os trategie buna?
toxyka: pai na
toxyka: vorba aia
toxyka: decat sa fiu hot and spicy la inceput si dup-aia sa devin o vaca, mai bine sunt vaca la inceput si ma transform dup-aia in fking godess
AMICUL PRIETENOS: strategie buna clar
AMICUL PRIETENOS: esti un mic napoleon/napoleontina a relatiilor amoroase
AMICUL PRIETENOS: u need a hubby?/ u gotta be chubby
toxyka: im freakin freud's nece
toxyka: should moove to uk
AMICUL PRIETENOS: rad io rad da ma asteapta insuratoarea
AMICUL PRIETENOS: cu cretina asta
AMICUL PRIETENOS: adevarul e ca e buna
toxyka: MESE
toxyka: sunt sigura ca e frumoasa si destepata
toxyka: exceptia de la regula
AMICUL PRIETENOS: dar o bag in swinguri...deja i am zis
Friday, May 14, 2010
What lies beneath...
Pana acum nu m-am gandit cat de ciudata e viata. Am luat de bun sau rau, in mod absolut subiectiv, tot ce mi s-a intamplat.
Aici, fix aici,in lumea asta cacacioasa, traim, crestem, ne lovim, ne doare, ne imbolnavim si ne vindecam,ne iubim si ne uram, radem in hohte si plangem nealinati, suferim si depasim momentele grele, suntem ipocriti si lingusitorri, sarim in ajutor si suntem dispusi sa ne sacrificam, tot AICI trecem prin toate momentele si sentimentele posibile si cumva, mereu gasim o motivatie sa mergem mai departe.
Si in ciuda tuturor lucrurilor pe care putem, sti si vrem sau nu sa le traim, ne incapatanam sa speram in ceea ce este dincolo de viata asta-campii verzi, fericire eterna, reuniune cu cei dragi,lapte si miere,blabla.
Dupa mine, nu e nimic.E drept ca avem nevoie sa credem ca ar fi ceva, avem nevoie sa credem ca toata existenta de dupa e o mare de fericire indescriptibila.Asta e modalitatea noastra de a supravietui si de a merge mai departe. In realitate, suntem egoisti. Ne loveste atat de tare socul ca dincolo de existenta noastra fizica nu mai e nimic, incat cautam sa ne agatm de orice idee, oricat de ridicola si de absurda.Presupun ca mai devreme sau mai tarziu orice om cu putina ratiune in creier realizeaza ca ne amagim.
Credeam ca viata are un mod de a se desfasura atat de rapid incat nici macar nu stii cand si ce SI MAI ALES DE CE te loveste. Probabil ca pe undeva asa si e.Problema mea e insa ca am ajuns la concluzia ca, desi la un moment dat viata parea ca se misca atat de repede si de firesc, un singur lucru, absurd si stupid si care in continuare ma face sa stau treaza noaptea, poate sa imi dea peste cap toata aceasta perceptie: viata pur si simplu imi pare, mie una, ca se misca acum dureros de incet;ma simt ca un melc care se taraste si se chinuie sa ajunga la urmatorul punct important din viata lui. si doar nu mai ajunge acolo.Moartea cuiva drag te face mereu sa te intrebi:ok? de ce sa ma chinui? pentru cine si pentru ce? cand eu dispar...ce dreaq mai coteaza?
Senzatia de 'gol', de absurd si de nimicnicie care ramane si care simt eu ca ne asteapta ma scoate din minti. Nici macar nu mai e durere sau revolta, nu e nici furie si neputinta... e pur si simplu un gol, care creste pe zi ce trece.
De ce e dragostea unora ar fi mai mica sau mai neimportanta decat a altora, de ce moartea unui om ar fi privita cu mult mai putina sau mai multa importanta decat a altora, de ce tragedia unora ar fi mai mare decat a altora? E simplu: pentru ca suntem asociati direct sau indirect cu ea. La fel si privim toate lucrurile astea. Traim o viata,incercand sa ne conformam normelor sociale, sa nu iesim din tiparele nesupuse prejudecatilor,ne zbatem sa pastram aparentele, dar la urma urmei, traim intr-o 'ceata'autoindusa.
Si in realitate, asa cum ziceam, odata ce mori, dispari. In urma ta ramane doar ceea ce ai facut, ai fi putut,SAU ti-ai fi dorit sa faci...dar nimic din tine ca OM. In timp, avem capacitatea fantastica de a uita, dar pe de alta parte, suntem, fiecare, parti unite, parti absorbite unele de altele.
Te gandesti uneori: oare un om care a murit, a avut macar 1 secunda sa realizeze ca moare, si dacA DA, LA CE S-A GANDIT? a simtit vreo secunda ca se rupe dintr-o lume reala ca sa plece doar intr-un necunoscut misterios? A regretat vreodata ceva? Si-a adus aminte in milisecunda aia fatidica de toate momentele de fericire (efemera, asa cum e fericirea mereu)prin care a trecut? -As zice ca nici macar din greseala...-Dar mai important, odata ce a murit fizic>>>chiar a disparut? s-a dus in proverbialul Rai sau Iad? S-a reincarnat in copacul din fata portii sau in catelul nou nascut din curtea tatalui? Sau pur si simplu a disparut?
Pana acu noaptea e cea mai linistitoare:
Eu una te visez mereu la fel cum ai fost :la fel de viu si de al dreaq,la fel de TU ca-ntotdeauna, un optimist incurabil, je m'enfischist si capos, retinut si arogant, dragatos si dedicat, amuzant si plin de vise
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